The call for life memberships has closed for 2024. Keep an eye out for 2025 nominations.


The National Committee of the Transportation Group is calling for nominations for life membership of our group, in accordance with our Operating Procedures.


Life membership, in recognition of outstanding contribution to the group, may be recommended by nominators (comprising four group members, including at least two members from different geographic branches) and ratified by the National Committee. Life memberships can also be granted posthumously to members who have made a significant contribution to the group.


Any member granted Life membership shall not be required to pay the annual group subscription fees. Life members are entitled to free registration to one of the following events each year: the Transportation Group conference, the MUGS conference or the SNUG conference.


In making a nomination please forward the following to group Chair, John Lieswyn,


  • Name of nominee
  • Name and branch of four nominators, all being members of the Transportation Group
  • Up to 200 words describing the contribution of the nominee to the Transportation Group
  • Up to 200 words describing the contribution of the nominee to the transportation profession


The National Committee of the Transportation Group notes that nominations that meet the above criteria will not necessarily be ratified by the Committee, which reserves the right to award, postpone or decline any Life Membership nomination’s at its discretion.